Harvest Meal Highlights

It has stayed quite warm here in the Rogue Valley, despite the fact we’re into mid-October; this makes for gorgeous days on the farm. This is our first fall hosting Harvest Meals at SOU’s Center for Sustainability and we’re so grateful for the new farm site! It’s really something special to have young students see what college students are accomplishing and working on. Their eyes light up upon hearing that the farm they’re harvesting on is cared for and tended by students not so different than themselves!

Here are some highlights from a Harvest Meal at the Center for Sustainability last Friday. Happy Farm to School Month!


The farm has lots of fresh produce, ready to be chowed down on!

The farm has lots of fresh produce, ready to be chowed down on!

Students learn knife skills in the outdoor kitchen

Students learn knife skills in the outdoor kitchen

Adding chopped herbs to the sauce

Adding chopped herbs to the sauce

Students get instructions before exploring things to gather on the farm

Students get instructions before exploring things to gather on the farm

Washing veggies after harvest

Washing veggies after harvest



Now the tomato sauce simmers before a meal together

Now the tomato sauce simmers before a meal together