Eating Flowers

Early spring Harvest Meals bring the excitement of new growth, wet soil, changing weather, and of course, flowers. Yet, without the abundance of summer harvests, spring also means that RVF2S staff has to get creative with toppings for our Harvest Meal lunch that every student helps prepare.

At a recent Harvest Meal field trip to Dunbar Farms, students explored the fields, learned about plant parts and pollination, and harvested produce for their meal of tacos and salad that each student helps to prepare. Some students were crouched down in the grass next to the fields, examining tiny flowers and imagining life as a pollinator; others chopped radishes in the outdoor kitchen; the third group returned from the field with harvest baskets and questions.  “Can we really eat these?” a girl asked, peering into her basket of bright yellow mustard flowers and purple pompom chive flowers. "Yep - these flowers are edible!"

Together, students and staff created a beautiful salad with hints of chive and mustard.  As the group sat down to enjoy their farm-fresh tacos together, RVF2S Educator Amber explained that sometimes, taste buds change and when trying new foods, it's important to remember to keep the spirit of curiosity and adventure that the students felt during their day on the farm. Amber went on to explain to the class that food on the farm might taste a bit different because it's fresher and was harvested and prepared by them.  “Wow, you’re right,” one student exclaimed, “my taste buds changed, I like salad now!” 

Our Harvest Meal program exists for enlightened moments such as these. Meaningful, engaging experiences with food can not only change relationships with food -  they can change lives! You're invited to be a part of this change by volunteering during our Harvest Meal field trips. Please visit our volunteer page to sign up today!